Februar 6, 2021

Schwarz am Zug - hinterlasse einen Kommentar mit dem stärksten Zug!

Black to play - leave a comment with the strongest move!

FEN: r1b2rk1/1pq2ppp/p1nbpn2/4N3/2B2B2/2N5/PP2QPPP/2R1R1K1 b - - 0 1

1 Antwort

  1. Either BxN or NxN work here, the trick is defending against a later N-E4

    … Nxe5
    Bxe5 Bxe5
    Qxe5 Qxc4
    N-e4 N-g4!

    … Bxe5
    Bxe5 Nxe5
    Qxe5 Qxc4
    N-e4 N-g4!

    They basically transpose

    If Q-g3 or Q-f4

    and if QxN f5

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