Januar 15, 2021

Schwarz am Zug - hinterlasse einen Kommentar mit dem stärksten Zug!

Black to play - leave a comment with the strongest move!

FEN: r5r1/2p3kp/7b/pp1bN3/2pPN1P1/P1Kp4/1P3P1P/4RR2 b - - 0 1

4 Antworten

  1. (1) .., b4+
    (2) axb4, axb4+
    (3) Kxb4, Rb8+
    (4) Kc5, Ra5#

  2. Marco: What if (4) goes back to Kc3 instead of c5

    Also Philip: Great job! I love the puzzles and the videos!

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